Calendar of Events

Club Projects/District Events 2019

Here are our remaining programs and events for the remainder of 2019:

November 15—(Instead of meeting at Country Club for our meeting, we will attend the..) Meet the Legislators Event sponsored by the GNPCC (of which the Club is a member) from 8-10AM at Community College of Philadelphia, 12901 Townsend Rd, Phila PA 19154

November 22Amy Atwell, speaking on the Honduran Context, and What Rotary is Doing to Help***note, due the speaker’s schedule, she will be speaking from 7:40 to 8:10, and then we will have out meeting after she is finished***

November 25(Monday) packing/delivering of donated turkeys (and the fixins supplied by our club) We will need people throughout the day on Monday, November 25 to do packing, and most importantly, the deliveries.  Volunteers will meet at the NORC office.  Marcia will be stopping by NORC today, and will provide us with additional information after that.  As a reminder, the turkeys are to be distributed to families with an older adult in the household for Thanksgiving.

November 29No Meeting (Thanksgiving weekend)

December 6Jeff Lichtman, Esquire.

 December 13Chris Dezzi, government affairs consultant

 December 20Megan O’Neill, Speaking on Imagine Scholar, A South African-based leadership development program for high achieving, low income high school students.

 December 27No meeting, holiday week.

 January 3—OPEN DATE

 January 10Stephen Antwine, immigration attorney

–Holly is also working to try to nail down arrangements for our annual Widener School Holiday Party, at this school for disabled children in Philadelphia.  Keep your eyes peeled for further updates.

 –From the money we raised last year, we are finalizing the contact information for the organizations we are giving money to, and will be sending out the money soon along with an invitation for representatives from the organization to come to one of our meetings to give us an update.

–We are always looking to fill programs.  If you have an idea for a speaker, please contact Bob Lankin.

NE Sunrisers Meeting Schedule- Friday Mornings- 7:15-8:30 AM at Country Club Restaurant

*All confirmed programs must be submitted to Bob Lankin 4 weeks in advance.  Afterwards, it becomes an OPEN DATE – first come first served!!!

*Try to have your speaker be a person who lives or works near our location -a  possible new member.